We’re closing in on Halloween, and to be honest, I’m only just beginning to start our costumes this year. We’ll see how they turn out – sometimes those costumes that you throw together quickly are the most fun! I love making my costumes every year, and in recent years, putting together couples costumes for Jamie and me. I wanted to share a few to help spark some last-minute ideas. All tutorials can be found on my old personal blog, which I don’t really update much anymore, but it’s sure nice to be able to sift through the costume archives! (I included links to the posts.) Have a look…
These were all so fun (and fairly easy), to put together. I couldn’t help but share one more, which was from this past weekend with my parents. These aren’t DIY costumes, but they work for Oktoberfest AND Halloween:
Funny, right? And I wanted to share a few DIY baby/kids costumes too – I don’t have kids of my own, but who doesn’t love a cute baby in a Halloween costume?! Below are some links to some cute ones:
- These Bubble Bath and Loofah costumes are too precious. (My brother and his wife were once a loofah and soap – also a great idea for a cute adult couples costume!)
- Dying over this Gumball Machine costume!
- A sweet little Bumblebee is really easy to make. (Once again, a great idea for an adult costume, and especially funny if you pair with someone in a bird costume – “The Birds and The Bees.” I won second place at a Halloween date party in college with this one!)
- I would have loved this Pink Flamingo costume when I was little.
- AND I was also obsessed with Madeline, so this costume would have been a big winner.
- Baby Harry Potter is magic.
- Who would have thought a Jane Goodall costume could be so dang cute?!
- This Football Field costume is both cheap and clever.
- Here’s an adorable little Dragon costume for a bitty one.
- If you’re into funny costumes, this Kip costume from Napoleon Dynamite made me laugh so hard.
I could go on forever… Basically, the moral of the story is: 1.) Halloween costumes aren’t hard to make, and 2.) Babies and kids look cute in everything.
What will you and your family be wearing for Halloween? I’d love to hear. I’ll look forward to posting our costumes after we wear them!