I’ve been a bit slow to post on our big news, but more than likely, you’ve seen the photo reel in my header or my post on Instagram and know that we’re expecting a baby! We are completely thrilled, and it definitely feels surreal and pretty magical too.
He or she is due on January 23rd, and we will know NEXT WEEKEND what the gender is. We’ve actually had the envelope with the baby’s gender for about a month, but we haven’t peeked! (But yes, we are dying to know!!!) We’ve been waiting for Jamie’s parents to come in town so that we can have a small family-only gender reveal celebration, so we’re really looking forward to that.
We waited quite a while to share our secret, and at 16 weeks, I’m currently enjoying the perks of the second trimester. I plan on sharing more about my first trimester in a post soon with pictures and a few answers to questions that I’ve gotten about our pregnancy. Personally, I’ve always been fascinated with pregnancy and am invariably interested in hearing fellow mothers’ experiences, so if you’re like me and enjoy that kind of thing, look out for that post in the near future.
We are thankful to have such wonderful family and friends to help us raise this little blessing from God. We all know that it takes a village! Thank you for following along on our journey. As first-time parents, we realize that we have so much to learn, so any parenting advice or tips are welcome in the comments!